Industry:School Bus Contractors

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Passenger Van Transportation Safety

Large passenger vans can pose a safety risk to inexperienced van drivers and other road users. Drivers must use caution to minimize the risk associated with their operation. The NHTSA recommends the following safety precautions.


VFIS University

Our new online risk management learning tool offers over 60 courses to help educate your team


Fidelity - Employee Theft and Fiduciary Responsibility

This bulletin offers some best practices for managing financial risks within your entity to help you prevent opportunities for Fidelity claims.


Pregnancy Discrimination

This bulletin offers risk management guidelines to fairly administer your organization’s pregnancy discrimination prevention policy and accommodation procedures.


Automated External Defibrillators

There are more than 356,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests annually in the United States. This bulletin discusses the critical need for AEDs in the workplace and offers guidance on the placement and use of these life-saving devices.


Back Injury Risk Factors and Risk Reduction Tips

Back injuries can appear to come from a single incident but are often caused by a combination of factors. Use these tips to help keep your team safe and reduce work-related costs.


Background Screening

Browse packages that are available through IntelliCorp to help your organization perform comprehensive background checks, minimize risks and review potential hires.


Bloodborne Pathogens

Use this bulletin to help your school create a plan and implement best practices to help protect your students and staff from the dangers of blood and other bodily fluids.


Bus and Car Line Duty

Help allow students to be picked up and dropped off safely by using this resource to create efficient traffic flows, policies and guidelines.


Charter Coach Services

Organizations can use the following checklist to help ensure the safety of their passengers when selecting and using charter coach services.


Cyber Self Assessment

This printable checklist will help your team evaluate your data security plan using five key principles.


Data Breach Precautions

How much information does your organization store digitally? Is any of it personal information? Use these tips to help protect your data from a breach.


Drive Safe

This 11-minute “Drive Safe” training video addresses what can be done to drive more safely.


Driver Monitoring Systems

Driver monitoring systems can be used to help identify potential “risky” behaviors for the purpose of mentoring and coaching drivers. Learn more about implementing this type of system with this guide.


Driver Selection Criteria

Vehicles are one of the most important assets and potential liabilities for an organization. Use this guide to help in your organization’s efforts to recruit and hire qualified fleet drivers.


Email Phishing Precautions

This resource details what your team should know about phishing emails, provides tips to help you detect malicious emails and information on what to do if you’re a phishing scam victim.


Ergonomic Risk Factors

From mopping to vacuuming and everything in between – use this resource to help evaluate the risks of each cleaning task and possible solutions.


Ergonomic Risk Reduction

Review the do’s and don’ts of manual tasks and consider ways you can help reduce ergonomic risks in your operations.


eRisk Hub

Resources to help you minimize, respond to and recover from cyber-attacks


Field Trip Tips

Field trips provide wonderful educational experiences for students, but can place schools at risk. These tips will help you put plans into place to ensure increased field trip safety.


Field Trip Tips

Field trips make great memories and learning experiences, but they also present risks. Help minimize your school’s exposure with this information.


Fire Safety for Commercial Kitchens

Kitchen and cafeteria equipment provide important meals for people, but can also be fire hazards. Use these practices to help your kitchen operate safely.


Flood Preparedness for School Bus Contractors

Floods are unpredictable, so taking steps to ensure your fleet is properly cared for prior to high waters is paramount in protecting your vehicles, students and staff during a flood event.


Highway Work Zone

Your workers face serious risks while on roadways and in work zones. Remind your crew of these simple ways you can help give drivers advanced notice and understand new roadway patterns.


Investigating and Reporting Significant Occurrences

A significant occurrence is one that could generate a claim. Better prepare by using these tips on investigating and reporting.


Job/Position Description

A detailed position / job description is the starting point of a thorough hiring process.


Mold Contamination

Uncontrolled growth of mold and bacteria can cause significant health issues and property damage. Reduce your risk with these tips.


Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

There is evidence that exposure to PFAS can lead to adverse human health effects. Learn more here.


Preparing For Winter Storms

Winter storms can mean damage to your property. Use this information to assess your exposures and plan accordingly.


Preventing Child Abuse in your Org.

22-minute training video that takes an honest look at child sexual abuse


Progressive Discipline & Terminations

Wrongful discharge is a leading cause of employee practice claims. Consider these best practices to for guidance through the disciplinary or termination process.


Respectful Workplace - Employees

This 20-minute training video educates frontline workers about workplace harassment and their role in maintaining a respectful workplace.


Respectful Workplace - Managers

This 19-minute training video educates leadership about workplace harassment, discrimination and retaliation


Risk Control Program Order Form

Glatfelter offers a variety of training materials and videos to help your organization prepare for the unexpected. Clients receive one complimentary video or USB of each program.


Safety/Security Committees

Organizations with internal safety committees have fewer and less severe losses from employee accidents, public claims or clients and property losses. Use these tips to create one within your organization.


School Bus Accident File Summary

Use this sample template to help create a report that can be used by your drivers in the event of an accident.


School Bus Accident Passenger Injury List

Information can help resolve claims faster and easier. A checklist like this sample can help ensure that all important information regarding a school bus accident is recorded.


School Bus Dispatch Accident/Incident Log

Have a proactive plan of action in place in the event of a school bus accident. Use this sample policy to build your own.


School Bus Driver Accident Response

This resource can be used to help train school bus drivers on what to do in the event of an accident.


School Bus Rear Door Evacuation Drills

Just as fire drills help prepare students and faculty in the event of an emergency, so do school bus rear door evacuation drills. Use this guide to help execute your own drills.


School Bus Rider Safety Tips for Students

Help students arrive to and from school safely by discussing these tips with them and their families.


Sexual Abuse & Misconduct: Protection of Minors/Youth

Use these best practices to help protect minors and your organization by defining and implementing a strong sexual abuse and misconduct risk management program.


Sexual Abuse and Misconduct Prevention Policy

This sample policy can help you define sexual abuse, harassment and misconduct, and implement reporting and investigation procedures.


Vehicle Accident Investigation Preventability

Following a vehicle accident, it is important that management conducts a fair and thorough process while gathering relevant facts. Use this guide to help your organization’s internal investigations.


Vehicle Accident Report

Use this sample template to create a vehicle accident report for your organization.


Vehicle Backing Procedures

Help reduce the risk of accident and injury from vehicles backing up. Ensure your standard operating and training guidelines mirror the recommended practices in this guide.


Winter Driving Tips

Winter driving can be hazardous and scary, especially in northern regions that get a lot of snow and ice. This resource provides safety tips for your employees.