Topic:School Risks

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Bleachers and Indoor Sporting Equipment

Conducting routine safety inspections of bleachers and indoor sports equipment can help public entities prevent injuries from faulty equipment, bleacher collapse, trip and fall hazards, and other equipment-related exposures.


Disaster Preparation and Business Continuity Planning

This bulletin highlights some of the lessons learned while navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic and how these lessons can be applied and implemented into future disaster preparation and business continuity planning for your district.


5 Steps to Emergency Preparedness for Students with Special Needs

It’s important to ensure that your emergency plans consider the needs of all of your students. Here are five steps to help you develop a comprehensive plan.


Automated External Defibrillators

There are more than 356,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests annually in the United States. This bulletin discusses the critical need for AEDs in the workplace and offers guidance on the placement and use of these life-saving devices.


COI as a Risk Management Tool

One of the most important ways to help manage your school’s risk is to use risk transfer where possible. Here’s how to identify those opportunities.


Community Use of Schools

What you should consider before allowing others to use your facilities and ways you can help protect your school from the risks.


Dealing with the Media

The media can help your school publicize your latest accomplishment – but they’ll also be at your doorstep when things don’t go right. Use these tips to help manage media relations.


December Holiday Activity Safety Reminders

December can be a busy month for schools – and that means there are unique risks you should consider. Help keep the holiday season joyful with these tips.


Defensive Supervision

Virtually every adult involved in a school district will have some level of pupil supervisory responsibility. Here are a few characteristics and qualifications of ideal supervisors to consider.


Emergency Planning Tips for Schools

Do your emergency plans and drills only consider the “ideal disaster”? Here’s why you should always have a Plan B – plus tips to develop one.


Eyewashes and Safety Showers in School

Use this bulletin to learn the importance of eye wash stations and safety showers in schools, plus tips for placement, maintenance and inspection.


Field Trip Tips

Field trips make great memories and learning experiences, but they also present risks. Help minimize your school’s exposure with this information.


Fitness Facility Use by School Staff

Your school’s fitness facility can be more safely used by faculty and staff with some precautionary preparation. Learn more about the topic with this reference.


Layering School Access Security

This bulletin outlines some areas of consideration when constructing a layered security approach for your school district.


Lead and Copper Rule

A quick reference guide for schools on regulations established by the Safe Drinking Water Act.


Lead in Water - Schools

Lead in Water - Schools


Managing the Hazards of Summer Programs

Summer programs in schools can present different risks than those that are present during the academic year. Help your school prepare with these tips.


Medical Emergencies in Schools

Stay up to date on the core elements of medical emergencies in schools, and keep your faculty and staff better prepared with this information.


Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

There is evidence that exposure to PFAS can lead to adverse human health effects. Learn more here.


Physical Education

This document lists recommended locker room standards to help keep students and faculty safe.


Risk Management in Schools

Help your school cultivate a culture of risk management by employing some of the suggestions in this bulletin.


Substitutes Selection, Orientation and Supervision

The use of substitute personnel is often necessary for many schools. Use this bulletin to learn more about the elements of liability that can arise from this situation.


Table Saw Safety

This bulletin discusses precautions to avoid injuries in your school when students or faculty use table saw equipment.


Therapy Dog Programs For Schools

Therapy dogs are becoming increasingly used in schools across the country. If your school is one of them, this bulletin will discuss important information that you need to know.


Transportation of Students in Private Automobiles

This bulletin explores need-to-know information for private auto insurance options to help your school determine what types of transportation should and should not be permitted.